Python class


Basic usage

# import the main class
import libiiwa

# init robot interface
iiwa = libiiwa.LibIiwa()


After the LibIiwa class is instantiated, program execution is blocked until the Java library installed in the KUKA Sunrise Cabinet is executed via the smartHMI.

Class constructor

class libiiwa.LibIiwa(ip: str = '', port: int = 12225, double_precision: bool = False, run_without_communication: bool = False)
__init__(ip: str = '', port: int = 12225, double_precision: bool = False, run_without_communication: bool = False) None

KUKA LBR iiwa robot library

  • ip (str, optional) – IP address of the library communication endpoint (default: all interfaces)

  • port (int, optional) – Port of the library communication endpoint (default: 12225)

  • run_without_communication (bool, optional) – Run the library without creating the communication socket (default: False). Useful for testing the library without the robot


>>> import libiiwa
>>> # create instance with default parameters
>>> iiwa = libiiwa.LibIiwa()