MoveIt support

This library implements the FollowJointTrajectory action server (actionlib) low level controller used typically by Moveit to command motions via the JointTrajectoryController

For the FollowJointTrajectory controller interface, the communication will take place under the name /controller_name/action_namespace configurable from the launch files

Launch parameters

Launch parameters for MoveIt support

Launch parameter



Default value


The name of the controller




The action namespace for the controller




Whether to follow the whole planned trajectory or go directly to the goal by skipping the intermediate trajectory points




Threshold used to progressively traverse trajectory points (see details below)



Launch file: libiiwa_ros/launch/default.launch

    <!-- FollowJointTrajectory action: /controller_name/action_namespace -->
    <arg name="controller_name"                 default="iiwa_controller"/>
    <arg name="action_namespace"                default="follow_joint_trajectory"/>
    <arg name="follow_all_trajectory"           default="true"/>
    <arg name="trajectory_update_threshold"     default="0.5"/>

    <!-- libiiwa configuration (see LibIiwa class) -->
    <arg name="libiiwa_ip"                      default=""/>
    <arg name="libiiwa_port"                    default="12225"/>

    <arg name="servo_interface"                 default="true"/>

    <!-- node configuration -->
    <arg name="verbose"                         default="false"/>

    <!-- launch ROS node -->
    <node name="libiiwa_ros" pkg="libiiwa_ros" type="" output="screen" cwd="node">
        <param name="controller_name"               type="str"      value="$(arg controller_name)"/>
        <param name="action_namespace"              type="str"      value="$(arg action_namespace)"/>
        <param name="follow_all_trajectory"         type="bool"     value="$(arg follow_all_trajectory)"/>
        <param name="trajectory_update_threshold"   type="double"   value="$(arg trajectory_update_threshold)"/>

        <param name="libiiwa_ip"                    type="str"      value="$(arg libiiwa_ip)"/>
        <param name="libiiwa_port"                  type="int"      value="$(arg libiiwa_port)"/>

        <param name="servo_interface"               type="bool"     value="$(arg servo_interface)"/>

        <param name="verbose"                       type="bool"     value="$(arg verbose)"/>

Trajectory execution implementation

The execution of the sequence of trajectories parameterized in the FollowJointTrajectory actionlib is updated according to the following formula:

\(\sum_{j}^{J=7} || q_j - q_{j_{trajectory}} || <=\) trajectory_update_threshold

Where \(q\) is the position of the joint of the robot

The execution is sensitive to different velocity, acceleration, and jerk values. Adjust the trajectory_update_threshold parameter (in launch file) to control the behavior of the trajectory execution (in Servoing mode) in the following way:

  • intermittent trajectory: increase the parameter to update the target trajectory more quickly

  • missing trajectories: decrease the parameter to update the target trajectory slower


Controller is taking too long to execute trajectory (the expected upper bound for the trajectory execution was 1.000000 seconds). Stopping trajectory.

Edit the MoveIt configuration package launch/trajectory_execution.launch.xml

  • Disable execution duration monitoring

    <param name="trajectory_execution/execution_duration_monitoring" value="false" />
  • Adjust the execution duration scaling (e.g. 5)

    <param name="trajectory_execution/allowed_execution_duration_scaling" value="5.0"/>