ROS & ROS2: Command the robot

Stop the robot

Stop the current motion

Default topic name

Message type (msg)




$ rostopic pub -1 /iiwa/command/stop std_msgs/Empty "{}"

Joint space

Move the robot to the specified joint position

Default topic name

Message type (msg)





Implementation details

  • Joint names are the same as those of the iiwa_description URDF model (iiwa_joint_1, iiwa_joint_2, iiwa_joint_3, iiwa_joint_4, iiwa_joint_5, iiwa_joint_6, iiwa_joint_7)

  • Joint names, and their respective positions, can appear in any order

  • No need to specify message name if all joint positions are specified

  • A subset of the joints can be controlled by specifying only the joint names and the corresponding positions, or by setting the other joints positions to nan. In this case, the excluded joints will keep their current position


Move all joints to their respective goal positions

  • Joint names: [iiwa_joint_1, iiwa_joint_2, iiwa_joint_3, iiwa_joint_4, iiwa_joint_5, iiwa_joint_6, iiwa_joint_7]

  • Joint positions: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.57, 0.0, 1.57, 0.0]

# name are specified
$ rostopic pub -1 /iiwa/command/joint sensor_msgs/JointState "{name: ['iiwa_joint_1', 'iiwa_joint_2', 'iiwa_joint_3', 'iiwa_joint_4', 'iiwa_joint_5', 'iiwa_joint_6', 'iiwa_joint_7'], position: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.57, 0.0, 1.57, 0.0]}"

# no need to specify message name if all joint positions are specified
$ rostopic pub -1 /iiwa/command/joint sensor_msgs/JointState "{position: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.57, 0.0, 1.57, 0.0]}"

Move only the specified joints to their respective goal positions

  • Joint names: [iiwa_joint_4, iiwa_joint_6]

  • Joint positions: [-1.57, 1.57]

  • Other joints will keep their current position

# all names and positions are specified
$ rostopic pub -1 /iiwa/command/joint sensor_msgs/JointState "{name: ['iiwa_joint_1', 'iiwa_joint_2', 'iiwa_joint_3', 'iiwa_joint_4', 'iiwa_joint_5', 'iiwa_joint_6', 'iiwa_joint_7'], position: [.nan, .nan, .nan, -1.57, .nan, 1.57, .nan]}"

# all positions are specified
$ rostopic pub -1 /iiwa/command/joint sensor_msgs/JointState "{position: [.nan, .nan, .nan, -1.57, .nan, 1.57, .nan]}"

# only target joint names and positions are specified
$ rostopic pub -1 /iiwa/command/joint sensor_msgs/JointState "{name: ['iiwa_joint_4', 'iiwa_joint_6'], position: [-1.57, 1.57]}"

Cartesian space

Move the robot to the specified Cartesian pose

Default topic name

Message type (msg)




position (\(m\)), orientation as quaternion

Implementation details

  • Values set to nan will keep their current position/orientation


Move to the specified Cartesian pose (position and orientation)

  • Cartesian position: X, Y, Z = (0.65, 0.0, 0.2)

  • Cartesian orientation: x, y, z, w = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) \(\; \rightarrow \;\) A, B, C = (-180.0º, 0.0º, 180.0º)

$ rostopic pub -1 /iiwa/command/cartesian geometry_msgs/Pose "{position: {x: 0.65, y: 0.0, z: 0.2}, orientation: {x: 0.0, y: 1.0, z: 0.0, w: 0.0}}" 

Move to the specified Cartesian position or orientation

  • Case 1
    • Cartesian position: X, Y, Z = (0.65, 0.0, 0.3)

    • Keep the current orientation

  • Case 2
    • Move in Z-axis only: Z = 0.4

    • Keep the current position in X, Y and orientation

  • Case 3
    • Cartesian orientation: x, y, z, w = (0.0, -0.7071, 0.7071, 0.0) \(\; \rightarrow \;\) A, B, C = (90.0º, 0.0º, 180.0º)

    • Keep the current position

# case 1
$ rostopic pub -1 /iiwa/command/cartesian geometry_msgs/Pose "{position: {x: 0.65, y: 0.0, z: 0.3}, orientation: {x: .nan, y: .nan, z: .nan, w: .nan}}" 

# case 2
$ rostopic pub -1 /iiwa/command/cartesian geometry_msgs/Pose "{position: {x: .nan, y: .nan, z: 0.4}, orientation: {x: .nan, y: .nan, z: .nan, w: .nan}}"

# case 3
$ rostopic pub -1 /iiwa/command/cartesian geometry_msgs/Pose "{position: {x: .nan, y: .nan, z: .nan}, orientation: {x: 0.0, y: -0.7071, z: 0.7071, w: 0.0}}"

Circular motion